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Run Lua code with the debugger or profiler activated, and control whether the LuaJIT just-in-time compiler is on.


lua_mode(expr, debug, profile, jit)



An expression to run with the associated settings. If expr is present, the settings apply only while expr is being evaluated. If expr is missing, the settings apply until they are changed by another call to lua_mode().


Control the debugger: "step" / "on" / TRUE to step through each line; "error" to trigger the debugger on a Lua error; "off" / FALSE to switch the debugger off.


Control the profiler: "on" / TRUE to use the profiler's default settings; a specially formatted string (see below) to control the profiler's precision and sampling interval; "off" / FALSE to switch the profiler off.


Control LuaJIT's just-in-time compiler: "on" / TRUE to use the JIT, "off" / FALSE to use the LuaJIT interpreter only.


When called with no arguments, returns the current settings. When called with expr, calls the value returned by expr. Otherwise, returns nothing.


This function is experimental. Its interface and behaviour may change in subsequent versions of luajr.

lua_mode() works in one of three ways, depending on which parameters are provided.

When called with no arguments, lua_mode() returns the current debug, profile, and jit settings.

When called without an expr argument, but with at least one of debug, profile, or jit, the settings apply for any subsequent executions of Lua code until the settings are changed by another call to lua_mode().

When called with an expr argument, the settings for debug, profile, and jit are applied temporarily just for the evaluation of expr in the calling frame.

The debugger

The debug setting allows you to run Lua code in debug mode, using Scott Lembcke's debugger.lua.

Use debug = "step" (or TRUE or "on") to step through each line of the code; use debug = "error" to trigger the debugger on any Lua error; and turn off the debugger with debug = "off" (or FALSE).

To trigger the debugger from a specific place within your Lua code, you can also call luajr.dbg() from your Lua code. Within Lua, use luajr.dbg(CONDITION) to trigger debugging only if CONDITION evaluates to false or nil.

debugger.lua is more fully documented at its github repo page, but briefly, you enter commands of one character at the debugger.lua> prompt. Use n to step to the next line, q to quit, and h to show a help page with all the rest of the commands.

The profiler

The profile setting allows you to profile your Lua code run, generating information useful for optimising its execution speed.

Use profile = "on" (or TRUE) to turn on the profiler with default settings (namely, profile at the line level and sample at 1-millisecond intervals).

Instead of "on", you can pass a string containing any of these options:

  • f: enable profiling to the function level.

  • l: enable profiling to the line level.

  • i<integer>: set the sampling interval, in milliseconds (default: 1ms).

For example, the default options correspond to the string "li1".

You must use lua_profile() to recover the generated profiling data.

JIT options

The jit setting allows you to turn LuaJIT's just-in-time compiler off (with jit = "off" or FALSE). The default is for the JIT compiler to be "on" (alias TRUE).

Lua code will generally run more slowly with the JIT off, although there have been issues reported with LuaJIT running more slowly with the JIT on for processors using ARM64 architecture, which includes Apple Silicon CPUs.

See also

lua_profile() for extracting the generated profiling data.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Debugger in "one-shot" mode
lua_mode(debug = "on",
    sum <- lua("
        local s = 0
        for i = 1,10 do
            s = s + i
        return s

# Profiler in "switch on / switch off" mode
lua_mode(profile = TRUE)
pointless_computation = lua_func(
    local s = startval
    for i = 1,10^8 do
        s = math.sin(s)
        s = math.exp(s^2)
        s = s + 1
    return s
lua("startval = 100")
lua_mode(profile = FALSE)

# Turn off JIT and turn it on again
lua_mode(jit = "off")
lua_mode(jit = "on")
} # }